
Google, FTC Bury the Axe Over Google Buzz

Google and the Federal Trade Commission just agreed to make nice over allegations the company’s online conversation-starter Google Buzz violated privacy rights and tricked users into trying the service.

Not that Google’s off the hook. The proposed settlement would task Google with putting into place a “comprehensive privacy program,” …

NASA Sinks Mars Rover 3D Camera Upgrade

It wasn’t enough to trawl the Titanic or craft the film industry’s best looking azure-blue E.T.’s, filmmaker James Cameron wanted to put a high-resolution 3D camera on NASA’s Mars rover, too.

Alas, ’tis not to be, says NASA, who admitted the zoom camera couldn’t be thoroughly tested in time for the rover’s launch later this year–a …

TechFast: Amazon Tablets, Facebook Bans 20k Every Day

Good morning! Here’s this morning’s top tech headlines.

Amazon Could Become A Huge Tablet Player

At Business Insider, Dan Frommer wrote an excellent and insightful piece exploring the possibilities that lie ahead for Amazon. It already has an online store; it already makes good tablet hardware (albeit with limited functionality);

TechFast: Microsoft Sues Everybody, Nintendo 3DS Reviews

Good morning. Here’s what’s been breaking in tech news while you’ve been sleeping and enjoying your breakfast.

Microsoft sues just about everybody

The lawyers will be opening another crate of champagne today, as Microsoft announces lawsuits against Barnes & Noble, Foxconn and Inventec for patent infringement. What patents, exactly?

TechFast: Google vs China, iPad Success, Facebook Snaps Up Snaptu

Good morning! Here are some of this morning’s interesting tech stories. More on these, and more besides, coming up later.

iPad 2 Will Keep The Top Spot

In a market analysis report that will surprise exactly no-one, some analysts from Gartner said the Apple iPad will continue to dominate the tablet computer market for some time to

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