Another day, another fresh stack of iPhone 5 rumors. We’ve parsed through all the hearsay to bring you the crème de la crème in wild-eyed Apple speculation.
Maybe it’ll have a bigger screen posted a few leaked photos of the iPhone 5’s would-be screen protector, which Mac Rumors and a few other blogs picked up on.
Stoking rumors that Apple’s iPhone 5 will at last magically appear in October, an analyst tells Apple Insider that iOS 5—the next iteration of Apple’s mobile device operating system—should be golden the final week of September.
That’s “between September 23 and September 30” to be precise, and “golden” meaning the final code …
You’ve probably heard, Apple lost an iPhone 5 at a cocktail bar and wants it back. So far, efforts to unearth the wayward device have been, groan-inducing pun intended, unfruitful. In fact the company may (and I repeat may) be in hot water for posing with San Francisco police officers as police officers.
Enter Conan O’Brien, who’s …
Face it, the only reason we’re covering this missing Apple iPhone 5 story is because everyone else is covering it. It’s like the snake swallowing its tail, kind of like the latest wrinkle in this whole sleuthing mystery: The San Francisco Police Department will investigate—wait for it—the San Francisco Police Department, for the …
Happy post-Labor-Day, and welcome back to another episode of “some sources say” starring Apple’s so-called iPhone 5. For today’s show, we’ll cite “a Chinese source” who apparently can’t keep it zipped, because he or she’s claiming the next iPhone is actually in production, in keeping with (the most recent) rumors that the iPhone 5 would …
Apple, Apple, Apple… did we learn nothing from the lost iPhone 4 fiasco? Yet another Apple employee “appears to have lost an unreleased iPhone in a bar,” according to CNET, who cites an unnamed source.
Here’s more:
“A day or two after the phone was lost at San Francisco’s Cava 22, which describes itself as a ‘tequila lounge’ that
Apple will buck the trend of bigger screens in the iPhone 5, either sticking with a 3.5-inch display or a slightly larger 3.7-inch screen according to the latest rumor.
A handful of reports from earlier this year claimed that the iPhone 5 would a have a 4-inch screen, thanks to an edge-to-edge design that makes better use of the …
Fear not, T-Mobileites. Following the Wall Street Journal’s report that Sprint may get the iPhone 5 this October, a new rumor says T-Mobile’s getting the next iPhone as well.
The source of this rumor isn’t the often-solid WSJ, but MacTrast, citing “a contact within T-Mobile.” Reportedly, the T-Mobile iPhone 5 will have 3G speeds–not …
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that “people familiar with the matter” say that Sprint will be getting the iPhone 5. The article is behind the WSJ’s paywall and without having even seen it, I can assure you there are some analyst quotes in there, some backstory of how the iPhone’s done on Verizon, and how the iPhone is losing market …
I bought an iPhone 4 in February, but my wife, who wants one badly, decided to wait. She travels to Europe and the Middle East frequently through the year for her job, and while AT&T would cover her in all the places she currently visits, their coverage at her parents’ house in the U.S. is a voice and data black hole. Considering we …
Since my mother, father, best friend, ex-boss, neighbor, neighbor’s sister and even the guy who sells me my coffee keep asking me when the next iPhone is coming out, let me set the record straight: My name isn’t exactly Steve Jobs, but I can tell you that people are whispering that it will finally be available in early …
Have a question of your own? Send it to tips at techland dot com!
Question from Tim: My brother just lost his iPhone and is debating whether or not he can muddle through with a disposable until September or October or whenever the new iPhone comes out. This ALWAYS happens with the new Apple products, right? There’s a period where …