Joint Venture 105: The Venture Bros. from the Very Beginning

Here at Techland, only one television program manages to tie into so many of our geeky obsessions all at once. Superheroes, mythical creatures, action figures and barely believeable sci-fi all flop onto each other on the glorious cavalcade that is The Venture Bros. Cartoon Network’s just started airing the series from the start and …

Third Generation Kindle Is Amazon’s Best Selling Item

Move over Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: The third generation Kindle is now Amazon’s number one selling item of all time. According to a press release from Amazon, on the peak day, Amazon shipped out nine million units alone, and the Kindle has been shipped to 178 countries. The company won’t reveal exactly how many units …

The Easiest Ways To Return Your Unwanted Presents

The holidays are over (except for you out there who celebrate Kwanzaa: The fun is just beginning for you), and you’re probably over oooing and ahhing over the loot you got this year. Since the dust has settled, you’re starting to see things a little more clearly. You actually got two or three of the same thing in slightly different …

Samsung Prepping Android-based iPod Touch Competitor

Samsung is apparently readying an Android-based music player based on its popular line of “Galaxy S” smartphones.

The Galaxy Player will be similar to Apple’s iPod Touch in that it’ll basically be an Android phone without the phone part, much like the iPod Touch is more or less an iPhone without the cellular chipset.

What We’re Looking Forward To in 2011: Comics

We don’t know a lot yet about the comic books due to appear next year–the mainstream publishers tend to play their cards close to the chest until a couple of months before release dates–but a lot of 2011’s big graphic novels have already been announced. Here are some of the ones we’re most excited about.

Takio – Brian Michael Bendis …

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