Do you:
– Still like the feeling of grainy paper brushing against your finger tips?
– Miss the days when you could dog ear a page instead of a device annoying automatically starting up where you left off?
– Actually like books taking up space in your house or apartment?
If you said yes to any of these questions – and own a Kindle – get yourself to Portland, Ore. pronto. Microcosm Publishing is offering to take your Kindle off your hands in exchange for its worth in free books. It doesn’t say if it has to be a new model or not, but it seems the only catch is you have to choose from their selection of books which include titles like Sneakier Uses For Everyday Things, Viva Vegan! and Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Anarchism (But Were Afraid to Ask). Most of their books are in the $10 range so you can get quite a few titles for your reading device.
Of course, you could also buy some books from your local independent publisher and bookstore and keep your Kindle for works like material that might be too short to make it to print and can only be found on Amazon Singles, which launched today, and other novels that might be hard to obtain or too heavy to tote around. Who says the two can’t co-exist?
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Study: iPad and Kindle Can Coexist