
Streaming Is Worth Its Weight In Postage To Netflix

To everyone worried that Netflix is spending too much money on bandwidth for Netflix Instant, calm down: Turns out that they spend 20 times more on postage for their DVDs.

It costs the company $1 to mail each DVD, compared with 5 cents per streamed movie (on average), but that price difference is one of the few reasons that studios …

Will We See the PSP2 Next Week?

Gamers: You may see the next iteration of the Playstation Portable as soon as next week next week. Two sources tell Bloomberg that Sony will unveil the new PSP (which most people are referring to as the PSP2) on January 27, with the Sony Ericsson XPERIA Play, a smartphone/gaming console, to be announced later in February according to

The White iPhone 4 May Be Available By End of February

You probably hear a rumor about the white iPhone 4 once a week, but it seems this time the news might be true. Macrumors has received a screenshot of what supposedly is a Best Buy inventory database showing that the mythical product will be available in stock February 27, just in time for a late Valentine’s Day present. It could be a …

Nintendo 3DS Launching on March 27th for $250

This morning, Nintendo of America revealed details about their hotly-anticipated 3D-enabled handheld game system. The press event in downtown Manhattan started off with a Nintendo-centric history of how the company’s created innovative shifts in the medium: Super Mario 64, Nintendo DS and Wii. From there, NOA president Reggie Fils-Aime …

Mac, iPhone And iPad Sales Fuel Apple’s Record-Breaking Quarter

Newsflash: Apple is white hot right now, in case you hadn’t noticed. Having very little competition in the tablet space? Good for business. Having a wildly popular cell phone? Good for business. Redesigning the MacBook Air and dropping the starting price to just under $1,000? Also good for business.

On a conference call yesterday (you …

Survey: Kids Aren’t Afraid To Friend Their Parents

According to a study by Kaplan Test Prep, the company that provides tutoring and study services for all the major college and grad school entrance exams, about two-thirds of American teens aren’t afraid to friend their parents on Facebook. (Maybe it’s just teens who don’t mind being so open: I’m still terrified to friend my …

Netflix Decision To Switch Off Streaming DVD Queue Turns Off Customers

Bored of Netflix constantly asking if you want to add things to your DVD queue instead of just knowing that, as a citizen of the 21st Century, you want to stream it instantly? Well, bore no more: Netflix is removing the “Add to DVD Queue” option from streaming devices.

According to director of product management Jamie Odell, the …

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