ipad apps

Learn How to Play the Fiddle on Your iPad

Available today, Smule’s $2.99 Magic Fiddle iPad app turns Apple’s $499 tablet into a $501.99 digital fiddle of sorts.

The app teaches you to play the fiddle using a rolling line of notes that cross over a virtual set of strings, similar to how games like Rock Band and Guitar Hero work. You can play along to a built-in library of …

The iPad Says Howdy To Farmville Farmers

First of all, I’d like to apologize to everyone who has to see it on their Facebook newsfeed that I need someone to fertilize my crops or that a lost sheep has wandered on my farm and needs an owner. Sorry that I keep asking for wooden boards to complete my nursery barn.

And, I’m especially sorry that it’s going to get so much …

Flipboard iPad App Makes a Magazine from Twitter, Facebook

A new iPad app called Flipboard is attempting to bridge the gap between the straightforward, simplified layout of a magazine and the endless amounts of disorganized information available on Facebook and Twitter.

The app is free to download and positions itself as “a social magazine that brings to life the stories, photos, news and …

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