
Netflix For Wii Discs Enroute

Wii owners determined to use the console to stream Netflix movies will be happy to know that the discs that enable online access to select content have been shipped out and ought to arrive tomorrow.

And with that, the Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii can all handle instant Netflix streaming. The Wii, however, won’t handle HD streaming, of

The Techland Interview: Nintendo of America’s Reggie Fils-Aime

While at GDC, Techland was lucky enough to get a one-on-one interview with Reggie Fils-Aime, president of Nintendo of America. As we talked about his take on the threat of Playstation Move, Reggie showed off a little bit of the swagger that’s made him a sometime-controversial figure in the games business. We also discussed why and when …

GDC 2010: Hands-On with Metroid: Other M

Even if she was just a bunch of crude pixels when she debuted in Metroid, Samus Aran’s gone on to become of gaming’s most iconic characters. She was one of the medium’s first female personas and has starred in some of the best action titles in every generation of game hardware. Her newest adventure reveals more about the bounty …

Superhero Team-Up! Batman: The Brave and The Bold coming to consoles

Why is it good news that Cartoon Network’s Batman-and-everyone-you-can-think-of-including-Black-freaking-Canary series will be playable on Wii and DS this fall? Because it’s the next step in the redemption of Aquaman, that’s why. The Brave and The Bold TV show manages an awesome mix of sharp action and hilarious dialogue, featuring …

Shocking: Nintendo Is Developing New Hardware…

…and this picture of a black Wii isn’t it. According to this report from the 13th Annual Japan Media Arts Festival in Tokyo over the weekend, Shigeru Miyamoto confirmed Nintendo is working on a new piece of gaming hardware. Unless he was talking about another Nintendo DS redesign (DSi XXL?), Miyamoto was referring to a next generation …

THQ’s New Wii Karate Game: Paging Ralph Macchio!

THQ announced a new Wii game that’s coming out this spring called All Star Karate. The game offers “a true full-body experience by allowing players to experience the life of a karate trainee who is under the guidance of a wise, but humorous sensei, and is on the path toward attaining a black belt, the highest achievement level in …

Virtual Console Classics vs. WiiWare Remixes

One of the best aspects of the Nintendo Wii is the ability to download old-school NES games for $5 a pop. But a trend’s been emerging lately; some classic old franchises are making their way into the WiiWare downloads section, a section that’s normally reserved for games from independent developers and shorter titles from well-known game …

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