xbox 360

Assassin’s Creed 2: Inspired Design Trailer

The second coming of Ubisoft’s monster hit Assassin’s Creed is almost upon us. It hits stores tomorrow and while I’m writing this I’m also busy getting through our review build. It’s pretty epic and I’ll probably end up playing through the night. Rough life, right?

The ‘Inspired Design’ video follows the creative team …

The Top 10 Games of 2009

The other day Peter and I were floating around on our hoversofas being fed grapes by our sexy robot servants when the question of the year’s top 10 games came up.

It seems ridiculously early in the year, but for various reasons having to do with the exciting field of magazine production, we have to start thinking about it.

So here …

My Top 10 Video Games List

I made one. I do it every year! They make me.

The way I see it, the basic problem facing any listmaker this year is that most of the games were either big or clever but not both. Gears 2, Dead Space, Rock Band 2: big but not clever. Braid, lots of little Flash and iPod games like Hunted Forever and Fieldrunners: clever but not big. …

Breaking News: Gears of War 2 Is Pretty Good

We’re in the middle of some kind of weird video game heptathlon. I was most of the way through Dead Space when I picked up LittleBigPlanet, then I dropped that for Fallout 3, then I bailed on that for Resistance 2. Which is so over for me now that I have Gears of War 2.

E3 by the Trailers

I’m not at E3. I read about it on blogs like a normal person. While I am doing so the only thing I really care about is the trailers. So I’m going to paste all the major trailers together into one post and say things about them. Because I care.

First up: The Sims …

Video Game Violence Holiday Roundup

SYRACUSE, New York (AP) — Police and firefighters were called in to break up what was described as an “all-out riot” between members of the Sigma Chi and Pi Kappa Alpha fraternities. According to witnesses, the adjacent fraternity houses were both playing a popular version of the video game Rock Band, called “Beer Rock Band,” when the …

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