
Emanata: Just Like Starting Over and Over

The end of the world has happened before, and might be happening again in a couple of months, at least in comics. It’s no big deal.

The persistent rumor, which seems to grow louder daily, is that DC Comics is rebooting all of its superhero titles as of September, following some sort of earthshaking event in Flashpoint #5 the final …

All Networks Pass On Wonder Woman TV Show

Maybe we should begin to call it a curse. After years of failed attempts to bring DC Comics’ Wonder Woman to the movies – including one by Buffy‘s Joss Whedon, who was then snapped up by competitors Marvel to helm their flagship movie The Avengers – the character’s latest bid for TV greatness seems to have fallen at the first hurdle: No …

Is Spider-Man Leading A “Soft War” Against Islam?

As Doctor Octopus, the Green Goblin or even the Rocket Racer could tell you, it’s not really the smartest move to make an enemy of Spider-Man. Apparently, that’s not a lesson that’s made its way to Mohammad Reza Naghdi. Naghdi, the commander of the Basij paramilitary force in Iran, has declared that Marvel Comics’ webcrawler is leading …

Daily Dose

Monday, November 1, 2010 –

Quote To Live By:

“Begging, pleading, grovelling will get you nowhere, you pathetic creature!” -Alluro from Thundercats

Up Front:

Joe Quesada Outlines Plans For ‘Marvel Cinematic Universe’ Comics With Movie Creators [MTV Splash Page]


Building A Telegraph From Scratch [MAKE Magazine]
Coolest Math …

Daily Dose

Thursday, October 21, 2010 –

Quote To Live By:

You are here because the outside world rejects you. THIS is your family. I am your father. I want you all to become full members of the Foot. There is a new enemy: freaks of nature who interfere with our business. You are my eyes and ears; find them. Together we will punish these

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