Panel of the Week – 1/13/10

It was a low key Wednesday this week, wasn’t it? The big events were taking a break. Not many story arcs were concluding or kicking off. This does not mean we didn’t get some quality panels out of our haul, though. Starting with our favorite Barbarian learning a valuable lesson about leadership and continuing on with our favorite Bat, …

High-Quality Skype Calls on the Cheap

Normally when I catch wind of a product that promises to be “enhanced for this” or “optimized for that” I chalk it up to marketing spin and assume it’ll be priced higher than it should be with the hopes of duping casual consumers into buying it. Such was the case with the Freetalk Everyman Headset for Skype, a product that promises …

18 Android Apps To Get You Started

The Android Market pales in comparison to Apple’s App Store based on number of apps, but that doesn’t mean the quality of apps available to Android users aren’t up to snuff. We’ve listed 12 18 apps that cover a wide range of interests and genres but is not indicative of the Android Market as a whole. Think of this as a starting …

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