
London Stock Exchange May Have Been Hacked Last Year

Computerworld is reporting that the London Stock Exchange may have been hacked in August of last year as it prepared to switch its systems from Microsoft’s .Net platform to a Linux-based platform. It’s once again preparing to attempt the same switchover this month.

According to the article:

“There were major problems on the exchange

Facebook Blocks Moms Due to Excessive Message Posting

It may sound unbelievable that a Facebook group for young mothers would have a near constant volley of messages careening through the popular social network’s series of interconnected tubes, but it’s true! Apparently they like to chat with one another on the order of “35 to 40 messages within a 1.5- to 2-hour period,” according to PC

TaintDroid Tattles on Misbehaving Android Apps

Looks like TaintDroid just stole the Worst Recent Product Name award away from the Dell Streak. Once you get past the name, though, TaintDroid (that’s hard to type, even) may turn out to be a valuable app for Android owners.

It’s not quite available publicly yet, but the application will run in the background of an Android phone and

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