Not to be left out of the Windows 8 tablet party, Sony’s also readying the Vaio Duo 11, a tablet that slides up to reveal a keyboard. This one seems angled at business users, with a full-sized VGA port and the ability to tack on an extended battery, but its 11.6-inch, 1080p display should be appreciated by all, considering how many lower-resolution tablets are in the offing. Other specs include a Core i7 processor, at least 4 GB of RAM, at least 128 GB of solid state storage and cameras in front and back. It’ll be out in October, price unknown.
Coming Soon: 15 Interesting Phones, Tablets and Hybrids
The summer tech drought is over and gadget makers have come out swinging with Windows 8 laptop-tablet hybrids, Android tablets and high-powered smartphones. Here's the most interesting new gear announced at the IFA 2012 show in Berlin.
Sony Vaio Duo 11 (Windows 8)
Full List
IFA Slider
- Asus Vivo Tabs (Windows 8 and RT)
- Dell XPS 10 (Windows RT)
- Dell XPS 12 Duo (Windows 8)
- HP Envy X2 (Windows 8)
- Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 13 (Windows 8)
- Samsung Tablets (Windows 8 and RT)
- Sony Xperia Tablet S (Android)
- Sony Vaio Duo 11 (Windows 8)
- Toshiba U925t (Windows 8)
- LG Optimus G (Android)
- Samsung Ativ S (Windows Phone 8)
- Samsung Galaxy Note II (Android)