Michelle Castillo

Michelle likes zombies, viral videos and cheesy science fiction television and movies - but not in that order. She's an overall pop culture junkie and happiest when overanalyzing minute details of things that don't really matter. She's previously covered arts and entertainment for MSNBC.com, EW.com, the Los Angeles Times and the Hollywood Reporter.

Articles from Contributor

Microsoft Unlocking Unused Xbox Live Gamertags

If you’re looking for your perfect Xbox gamer tag, you’ll have a few more options to choose from soon. Microsoft is releasing previously taken, now unused gamertags for new players to take/swap for. Instead of having to be LTStarbuck92381049 or LEW10AUNTSARBUKC, you might actually be able to get her name.

Don’t worry: They’re …

Whac-A-Mole Machines Sabotaged by Orlando Programmer

An Orlando man faces charges for planting a virus in the popular Whac-A-Mole game and other titles, effectively shutting down machines all around the world. The best part: He plotted this scheme so he could have a steady stream of repairs and a constant paycheck.

Marvin Wimberly created a program that shut down Whac-A-Mole machines …

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