If This Then That helps wrangle together all the apps and websites you use on a daily basis, conjoining them like the cutest two-faced cat imaginable. The site thrives on those tiny yet tedious tasks you probably do without even realizing it. Do you favorite a tweeted article and then send it to your Instapaper account? Take a photo using Instagram and then send it to Gmail to print later? Let IFTTT — which describes itself as “digital duct tape” — work the assembly line for you. In fact, power users have created a number of intuitive, time-saving shortcuts to do any productivity addict proud. One popular recipe can check the weather at a certain time and text it to you. Surely there are a zillion other options yet to be concocted.
50 Best Websites 2012
TIME's annual salute to sites and services that keep you entertained and informed, save you time and money — and maybe even change your life
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