Apps & Software

Google Goggles’ Business Card Recognition Works like a Dream

Business cards: can’t stand them. Can. Not. Stand. Them. If you want me to be able to get ahold of you, just give me your fax number, okay? Teletype works, too. In a pinch, I’ll hit you on your beeper—if I leave “911” after my callback number, call back quickly! It’s an emergency.

Let’s get totally serious, though. If I’m given a …

New Yorker Subscribers Get the iPad App Now, Too

The New Yorker‘s iPad app is one of the nicest tablet versions of any print magazine: published every Monday at the same time as its paper-and-staples equivalent, it features additional pieces of writing, photography and video, poets reading their poems aloud, and bonus cartoons, among its electronic bells and whistles. (It even includes …

‘Planetary’ Is a Celestial iPad Music Player

Someone didn’t tell the folks at Bloom Studio that music players are supposed to be boring, because Planetary for iPad is something entirely different.

The free app visualizes your music library as a massive galaxy, floating in deep space. Artists are represented as solar systems, their albums are planets, and each song is a moon, …

25 Essential Apps for Travelers

After a long, cold, dark, snowy, jerky winter, we’ve officially hit some nice weather. And not the fake nice weather where it’s nice for half the day and then it rains and then the next day it snows—fool me once, shame on you; fool me pretty much all of April, shame on me for breaking out my short-shorts and donating all my warm …

Why Does Everyone Keep Saying The Web is Dead?

At a VentureBeat Mobile Summit last night, Square COO Keith Rabois declared “the website as you know it” to be “dead.”

His justification? The “rise of mobile,” and how users are more likely to gravitate towards a smartphone’s apps as opposed to a site’s mobile version. Simply put, a website is “not going to feel as good as a …

Nightmare Over: You Can Now Mow Your Lawn from an iPhone

We’ve all been there. Does this sound familiar to you?

You’re at work and you realize you forgot to mow your lawn. You rush home in a panic. You miss several important meetings—or meetings that your company considers important, yet you’ve calculated how much it’d cost to build a lifelike dummy of yourself that lives in the …

Game Developers Warned Away From Amazon Appstore

You’d think game developers would have rejoiced after Amazon launched their Appstore a few weeks ago–an Appstore putatively offering access to the Internet mega-retailer’s vast infrastructure, a devoted user base, and another distribution pipeline for those frustrated with the Android Market.

And while all that’s there, it seems like …

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