I want you all to know that the headline for this piece was supposed to include the word MILF, but that was deemed inappropriate for the family-oriented website we’re trying to run here. I explained to them that it stands for Mom I’d Like to Friend — you know, like on Facebook! But that cut no ice. Man,
A Nerd’s Guide to Mother’s Day Gifts
Every year she delivers the same punch line: “I’ll love whatever you get me.” But, if she still hasn’t exactly warmed to what you got her, maybe it’s time to readjust your gift giving prerogative.
(More on Techland: Two Minute Video: Best Mother’s Day Gadgets)
You don’t need to ditch your “I heart Star Wars” attitude or even break …
Hive Mind: What We’re Looking Forward To In May
April, we hardly knew ye.
iPhonegate continues to be the biggest story of the month. Are you as sick of it as us? Multi-tasking. Finally. Speaking of Apple, how’s that iPad working out for you? You did see the video of the 99-year-old Oregon woman with her iPad, right? Or Green Day’s response?
Who’s giddy for an HP webOS …
Bust A Move: Our Favorite Sci-Fi Dance Scenes
In honor of National Dance Week, we decided to bring you a list of some of our favorite sci-fi dance scenes because the only thing better than a monster, is one with the inclination to shake what its mama gave it.
Teen Wolf (1985)
As werewolf Scott Howard, Michael J. Fox did …
Better Than Pandora: The Most Memorable Sci-Fi Planets
Avatar hits DVD today so be sure to check out our interview with both director James Cameron and producer Jon Landau, published today, in which they discuss two Avatar sequels and the Blu-ray revival of the blockbuster got all of us over here at Techland pretty excited about a return trip to Pandora.
Avatar didn’t just give us a great …
Our Five Favorite Hacker Flicks
This week marks the beginning of the trial for David Kernell, the 22-year-old computer whiz turned FBI target, accused of hacking into Sarah Palin’s personal Yahoo e-mail account during the 2008 presidential campaign. Palin’s e-mails, family photos and even her daughter’s cell phone number were posted online, and – of course – picked …
Sci-Fi Sexy Time: All-Time Hottest Robots
This past weekend’s FIRST Robotics competition (congrats to all of the talented kids) got us into a machine kind of mood, and one mention of BSG‘s Number Six was all it took for the birth of this list: The All-Time Hottest Robots.
(More on Techland: Sci-Fi Sexy Time: All-Time Hottest Hookups)
It was a tough race, (sorry, Annalee …
12 Disaster Movies Better Than Titanic
We don’t mean to offend thee, Oh Great James Cameron, we just want to watch aliens attempt to destroy the earth while people run around screaming – no Celine Dion required.
Top 10 Coolest Sci-Fi Cars
As a youth I was a bit of car enthusiast and to a certain extent I still am, but it’s been over four years since I’ve owned my own car. I no longer subscribe to enthusiast magazines and glean specs/info from friends and/or Top Gear. I could easily take advantage of the position I’m in to test cars but I’m really not interested …
The Man of Steel Syllabus: Christopher Nolan’s Superman Movie Homework
The Last Son of Krypton may have finally found his own Superman. An article over at The Los Angeles Times confirms the rumors that have swirled for the last month or so that Christopher Nolan would be sitting in the director’s producer’s chair for Warner Bros.’ reboot of the Superman movie franchise. While we’re sure the DC …
March Madness: The Super Villain Edition
The idea of having our own March Madness tournament was born from a lame villain bracket that showed up on some news aggregator some months ago. The picks seemed super unoriginal and if I remember correctly the winner of the 8-man tournament was Q from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Nothing against Q but I could name a dozen villains …
The 10 Best Camera Apps for the iPhone
The iPhone’s meager 2- or 3-megapixel camera is only as good as the software powering it behind the scenes. And that’s no more evident than the list we’ve compiled today. It certainly isn’t the definitive iPhone camera app list, but we’re pretty sure it’s close.
Here’s our list of favorite iPhone camera apps in no …