It sounded stupid the first time you heard about it, didn’t it?
It was bad enough that tapping along to pop songs on a toy guitar was already a national obsession thanks to Guitar Hero. Now, developer Harmonix expected you to buy the follow-up, where a bunch of people gathered for more pretend rocking-out?
But then you experienced Rock Band‘s magic firsthand. Maybe it was the inclusion of the drum kit, but suddenly four strangers felt like they had to blow the roof off some house party to impress the record label execs in attendance. Wait, there were no actual execs? Whatever. Pick another song, dude.
The performance karaoke title shook up the music game genre by demanding that you project. Play those plastic instruments with enough belief and you summoned some genuine rock ‘n’ roll ensemble alchemy. You and your bandmates were able to connect with each other – thanks for that save! – and “the audience,” too. Maybe you even got applause. Not so stupid after all, huh?