One of three titles on this list based on the ghostly, eerily beautiful vector graphics system, Battlezone placed you on what Matthew Arnold (if he’d been a gamer) would have called a darkling plain.
White-knuckling two joysticks, each of which controlled one of your tank treads, you rumbled around trying to destroy tanks and UFOs. Around you stood giant platonically perfect cubes and pyramids, which were useful for hiding behind; in the distance loomed a mountain range, which included at least one active volcano; overhead hung a silent green moon.
If it weren’t for all the shooting, it would have been peaceful. In fact, Battlezone provided a powerfully immersive sense of being physically on the battlefield, and at least one version of the game was developed for the U.S. Army as a training simulator. Legend had it that if you drove long enough and far enough, you could actually reach those distant mountains and climb that distant volcano. Sadly, this was only a legend.