Happy non-denominational year-end celebration time to you! If you find yourself in the gift-giving mood and you can’t find that perfect something for the special geek in your life (or you’re not quite sure what you want), perhaps this whimsical tour of 100+ worthy high-tech goodies can provide some inspiration.
Tech Buyers’ Guide 2012
Can't find that perfect something for the special geek in your life? Perhaps this whimsical tour of 100+ worthy high-tech goodies can provide some inspiration.
What’s Hot for the Holidays
Full List
What's Hot for the Holidays
Video Games
- Sony PlayStation Vita
- Halo 4
- Arcade Legends 130 Game System
- Nintendo Wii U
- Skylanders Giants
- Borderlands 2
- iCade
- Sony Wonderbooks
- Diamond 1080 HD Game Capture Device
- Nyko PlayPad
- Supaboy Portable SNES Console
- Nintendo 3DS XL
- XCOM: Enemy Unknown
- Torchlight II
- LittleBigPlanet PS Vita
- Guild Wars 2
- Assassin’s Creed III
- Diablo III
- Sega Genesis Classic Game Console
- SteelSeries Free Mobile Wireless Controller
- Dishonored
- Xenoblade Chronicles
- SteelSeries Diablo III Mouse
Home Entertainment
Accessories and Peripherals
- Beats Pill
- Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale
- Logitech Wireless Rechargeable Touchpad
- JVC Marshmallows
- Coffee Cup Power Inverter
- iPad Music Accessories
- Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover for iPad
- Powerbag
- iConvert iPad Scanner
- Mophie Juice Pack
- LaCie PetiteKey
- Logitech Solar Keyboard Folio for iPad
- Pogoplug
- Nvidia GeForce GTX 670
- Fujitsu ScanSnap S1300i
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