In Assassin’s Creed III, we come to the end at last, dozens of games, books, comics, live action and animated short films, and a standalone encyclopedia later, five years after first poking our hook-cowled heads into the world of Altaïr ibn La-Ahad and protagonist Desmond Miles. While the last few games rehashed too much, the final chapter riffs effectively on its historical setting, sending you clambering over colonial rooftops and dangling from eaves and gables, but also leaping between snow-dusted tree branches and scrambling up the sides of battleship-gray wilderness cliffs. Sequences still play like micro-sandboxes, challenging you to try and try again using different tactics, studying defenses, testing until you find approaches that work. Even then, this is the most situationally fluid Assassin’s Creed, varying patrol routes and enemy positions, forcing you to move as they move, waiting for the right moment to dart up a wall or ship side and snatch someone over the edge into oblivion.
Link: Assassin’s Creed III